Governor Abbott Blasts Glenn Rogers Failing Fiscal Record

Last Friday, the town of Mineral Wells, Texas, welcomed Governor Greg Abbott for a well-attended campaign rally in support of Mike Olcott, a candidate endorsed by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR). 

During the event, Governor Abbott articulated his rationale behind endorsing Olcott, drawing attention to his opponent, two – term incumbent Glenn Rogers (R-Graford), who had received an abysmal fiscal responsibility rating of 46 out of 100 on TFR’s Fiscal Responsibility Index.

In his speech, Governor Abbott underscored the critical importance of fiscal responsibility in elected officials, emphasizing the role of organizations like TFR  and our Index in evaluating lawmakers’ stewardship of taxpayer funds. With Rogers receiving an unequivocal failing grade, Abbott left no room for interpretation, stating bluntly, “He got an ‘F’. He flunked the test of being fiscally responsible.”

It’s true. Glenn Rogers earned a 46% and an “F” rating on our Fiscal Responsibility Index last year.

Thank you Governor @GregAbbott_TX for helping to inform taxpayers.

— Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (@Texas_Taxpayers) February 7, 2024

Abbott’s endorsement of Olcott resonated strongly as he positioned him as the antithesis to Rogers’ fiscal shortcomings. Abbott firmly asserted Olcott’s commitment to prudent financial management, making it clear that he represents the preferred choice for voters seeking accountability and responsible governance.

The Governor’s remarks reinforced how imperative it is for voters to support candidates aligned with principles of fiscal sanity and transparency. 

This is also a reminder of how important tools like our Fiscal Responsibility Index are in helping taxpayers across the state and in every district hold their elected officials accountable. 

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility relies on the support of private donors across the Lone Star State in order to promote fiscal responsibility and pro-taxpayer government in Texas. Please consider supporting our efforts! Thank you!

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