Voters Give Taxpayer Foes the Boot in Historic Primary Election 

TLDR: Taxpayers made their voices heard: “no more backstabbing.”

The time has come for many incumbent politicians to pack their bags…

Yesterday, the Texas Primary Elections were held, with taxpayer foes across the State being defeated or forced into runoffs, and many candidates who were endorsed by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR) are headed to Austin.

In what was surely a historic night, seven candidates for Texas House who were endorsed by TFR successfully won their primary campaigns. This Included: 

Brent Money, HD-2

Taxpayer Champion Brian Harrison, HD-10

Taxpayer Champion Steve Toth, HD-15 

Mike Olcott, HD-60

Shelley Luther, HD-62

Mitch Little, HD-65

Taxpayer Champion Tony Tinderholt, HD-94

Five other TFR Endorsed candidates are also now headed to a runoff election:

Katrina Pierson, HD-33, 

Helen Kerwin, HD-58

Keresa Richardson, HD-61

Andy Hopper, HD-64

David Lowe, HD-91

The current Speaker of the House and taxpayer archenemy, Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont), known for appointing anti-taxpayer Democrats to powerful committee chairmanships, was forced into a runoff by challenger David Covey. Covey came in 1st place in last night’s results with over 46% of the vote, with Phelan trailing behind with 43%. 

Other taxpayer foes who were either defeated outright or forced into runoffs by their challengers include:

Rep. Gary Vandeaver, HD-1 (Runoff) 

Rep. Travis Clardy HD-11 (Defeated)

Rep. Ernest Bailes, HD-18 (Defeated) 

Rep. Jacey Jetton, HD-26 (Defeated) 

Rep. John Kuempel, HD-44 (Runoff) 

Rep. Hugh Shine, HD-55 (Defeated) 

Rep. Steve Allison, HD-121 (Defeated) 

What is abundantly clear is that taxpayers across the State are done with business as usual. They want change. They want Representatives that are going to actually fight for their interest, oppose the establishment, lower their taxes, and pass laws and policies that are going to help foster a pro-taxpayer and pro-family environment in the Lone Star State. 

The runoff elections are set for Tuesday, May 28th, with early voting starting on Monday, May 20th. Learn more at the Texas Secretary of State website

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