2024 GOP Resolution Ideas

We are providing a clearing house here for ideas for resolutions for the GOP Convention.  Take and use any you like.  These are not from True Texas Project.  If you don’t like them, scroll on by.

Texans For Vaccine Choice:

Resolution in Support of Vaccine Choice

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility:

Resolution in Support of a No-Growth Budget
Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Property Tax
Resolution in Support of a Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Resolution in Support of Curtailing Local Government Spending

From True Texas Project’s Attorney, Tony McDonald:

Resolution in Support of the Texas Citizen’s Participation Act (protects our free speech from meritless lawsuits)

From Advancing Integrity (focused on securing elections):

3 resolutions on voting by mail
2 resolutions on voter registration
4 resolutions on the election process
2 resolutions on political party affiliation
update to 2 existing resolutions




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