Our Election Integrity Hotline is LIVE!

Early voting for the 2024 primary elections has begun! Advancing Integrity is committed to keeping Texas elections accurate, transparent, and secure. 

How are we helping make sure that happens? 

We’re opening an election hotline! When you go to vote, if you run into ANY issues, simply call 833-TX VOTE3 to report election issues to our team of experts. We will be fielding calls from across Texas concerning issues at the polls. 

You might be wondering what kinds of issues could arise at the polls to warrant a call to the hotline. Here are just a few problems we’ve seen before:

Election workers failing to check IDs

Voting machines malfunctioning

Harassment of voters inside the polling location

Voters being told they cannot vote because they already voted by mail

Election workers silencing free speech outside the 100 feet marker

Together, we can make an impact and defend the principles our great state was built on. Thank you for standing with us in this fight for a stronger, more resilient Texas! 

If you see something, say something by calling us at 833-TX VOTE3