TFR Endorses Candidates for Office

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has officially launched our 2024 Primary Election Endorsements. With early voting beginning in less than a week on Tuesday, February 20th, and election day just around the corner on March 5th, Texans should know who the most fiscally responsible candidates are.

Candidates are vetted via a candidate questionnaire composed of questions structured to determine any would-be elected official’s disposition towards issues related to the size and scope of government.

TFR also produces the Fiscal Responsibility Index as a measurement of how lawmakers perform each legislative session. Lawmakers who receive a score of 90 or above are deemed “Taxpayer Champions” and are automatically endorsed by TFR.

Here is our list of endorsements so far:

Dale Huls: (Republican) House District 1

Brent Money: (Republican) House District 2

Brian Harrison: (Republican) House District 10 

Steve Toth: (Republican) House District 15

Kyle Biedermann: (Republican) House District 19

Katrina Pierson: (Republican) House District 33

Devvie Duke: (Republican) House District 56

Helen Kerwin: (Republican) House District 58

Mike Olcott: (Republican) House District 60

Keresa Richardson: (Republican) House District 61

Shelley Luther: (Republican) House District 62

Andy Hopper: (Republican) House District 64

Mitch Little: (Republican) House District 65 

Daren Meis: (Republican) House District 67

David Lowe: (Republican) House District 91

Tony Tinderholt: (Republican) House District 94

TFR has endorsed candidates that we believe will be taxpayer champions, and fight for pro-taxpayer reforms in Austin, like eliminating property taxes, cutting wasteful government spending, and reducing the size and scope of government at all levels. 

As voters head to the polls, they have the opportunity to support candidates who will champion pro-taxpayer reforms in Austin and work towards a more financially prudent future for Texas. You can find out more information on where and when to vote here. 

If you are a candidate seeking an endorsement, fill out the questionnaire here. 

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility relies on the support of private donors across the Lone Star State in order to promote fiscal responsibility and pro-taxpayer government in Texas. Please consider supporting our efforts! Thank you!

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