2023 Essay Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of our essay contest!  We had 26 entries, and these are the top 6:

First place:  Mary Jane Woody, a junior from our Denton County satellite.  Mary Jane earned a Gold Eagle coin and $500.  You can read her essay here.
Second place:  Myles Peeler, a freshman from our Tarrant County satellite.  Myles earned a Silver Eagle coin and $250.  You can read his essay here.
Third place:  Josiah Baxa, a junior from our Lubbock County satellite.  Josiah earned a silver Half Dollar coin and $250.  You can read his essay here.
Three other essays really made our decision difficult.  Those honorable mentions go to…

4th place Jordyn Alexander, a junior from our Bay Area satellite, whose essay you can read here.
5th place was a tie between Adam Raschio, a senior from our DFW South satellite (read his essay here), and Hazel Walsh, a sophomore from our Bay Area satellite (read her essay here).

We wish we could give prizes to all 26 of our applicants.  The essay topics were hard, and they embraced the challenge well!  They had to write about at least 3 of the following 7 topics:

What are your viewpoints on the current US debt of $33 trillion+ and the unfunded liabilities of $194 trillion?  Who do you hold responsible for this, and how do you think it will be repaid?
What is your opinion of the proposed BRICS system and what impact will it have on the US dollar if these countries create an alternative currency to use for trade outside of the US dollar?  (Currencies backed by commodities)
If the US dollar were to lose its status as the world’s reserve currency, what would be your opinion of the repercussions to the US economy?
What is your opinion of the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) system being proposed, and how might that system apply to you in the future?
The Central Bankers continually put out statements demeaning the value and ownership of gold.  Why would they do so, as many countries are currently buying massive amounts of gold for their reserves?
Several banks have failed recently.  What do you think caused these failures, and who is to blame?
If you were the sole decision maker with the power to take corrective action to our current monetary system, what action would you take and why?

Make sure to attend the January meetings for the Denton, Tarrant, and Lubbock County meetings so that you can congratulate these young patriots in person when they receive their prizes.  Way to go!


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